OEM Supplier Fireproofing Intumescent Seal Strip

OEM Supplier Fireproofing Intumescent Seal Strip

Uru ngwaahịa;

1)Mkpokọta ihe ntanetị na gluu.ikpo anaghị ewepụ.

2)30 ugboro gbasaa.

3)The ala mgbasawanye temp. bụ 180 ℃ ka 200 ℃.

4)Njikọ-extrusion iji hụ na isi ihe adịghị adapụ.

5)Asambodo nke Warrington, BS EN 1634-1 nnwale.

6)Akara nbipute n'ịntanetị na akara ogbe na ngwaahịa.


Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

We've been commitment to offering easy,time-saving and money-saving one-stop purchasing service of consumer for OEM Supplier Fireproofing Intumescent Seal Strip , We sincerely welcome the two overseas and domestic business enterprise associates, and hope to operating along with you n'oge na-adịghị anya!
Anyị agbaala mbọ ịnye ndị ahịa n'ụzọ dị mfe, na-echekwa oge na ịchekwa ego n'otu oge maka ịzụrụ ihe.Ihe akaebe ọkụ nke China na mkpuchi ihu igwe intumescent, Anyị kwenyere n'ịdị mma na afọ ojuju ndị ahịa nwetara site n'aka otu ìgwè ndị raara onwe ha nye.Ndị otu ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-eji teknụzụ dị oke ọnụ na-ebuga ngwa ahịa na-enweghị atụ nke ndị ahịa anyị zuru ụwa ọnụ na-asọpụrụ ma nwee ekele maka ya.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Gallford Intumescent Fire Door akara dabere na graphite exfoliated, a na-eji ya maka ọnụ ụzọ ọkụ na windo ma ọ bụ ebe ọ bụla iji gbochie ọkụ, anwụrụ ọkụ & acoustic pụọ.Enwetara ma iguzosi ike n'ezi ihe na ọnụego mkpuchi dị ka
achọrọ, debe ndụ nchekwa gị.

Nọmba akụkụ Ogo profaịlụ (mm)
YZ1014 10×4
YZ1514 15×4
YZ2014 20×4
YZ2514 25×4
YZ2516 25×6
YZ3014 30×4


We've been commitment to offering easy,time-saving and money-saving one-stop purchasing service of consumer for OEM Supplier Fireproofing Intumescent Seal Strip , We sincerely welcome the two overseas and domestic business enterprise associates, and hope to operating along with you n'oge na-adịghị anya!
Onye na-eweta OEMIhe akaebe ọkụ nke China na mkpuchi ihu igwe intumescent, Anyị kwenyere n'ịdị mma na afọ ojuju ndị ahịa nwetara site n'aka otu ìgwè ndị raara onwe ha nye.Ndị otu ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-eji teknụzụ dị oke ọnụ na-ebuga ngwa ahịa na-enweghị atụ nke ndị ahịa anyị zuru ụwa ọnụ na-asọpụrụ ma nwee ekele maka ya.

  • Nke gara aga:
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